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Charity Casino Night Hire

Do you belong to a local charity or fund raising organisation, and find raising money can be quite a struggle with your fund raising ideas becoming boring and stale? A charity casino night hire might be for you!

At The FunCasinos we have the answer to your problems with a charity casino night hire party available. Yes we can bring the casino to you. We can arrange for a variety of different casino games and tables to be delivered to a venue of your choice, even to your home if you wish. Whatever casino games you order they will all come with the appropriate dealers and croupiers.

How to raise money with a fun casino

There are numerous ways in which you can raise money at a charity casino night hire party. You could ask local companies in your area to sponsor a Roulette or Blackjack table for example. Charge all of your guests an entry fee, with all proceeds going to your chosen charity. You could also charge your guests a small fee to purchase their  fun money.

A great idea is to ask companies in your area to supply  prizes for competitions on the gaming tables. For example, the person that wins the most amount of fun money during the evening would win a prize. By holding little competitions with prizes like these it entices your guests to buy more fun money. This ultimately makes more money for your chosen charity.

At Fun Casinos we can make your charity casino night hire party that bit more special by arranging the fun money to have your chosen charities logo printed on them.  In some cases you might want to use sponsers logo! Book a party now and make your local charity some well-deserved money. You will be surprised at how much you can raise as a result of a fun packed evening of fun, so give us a call at Fun Casinos now.

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